Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: High-Tech Buildings
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Industrial Evolution
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Brooklyn & Queens
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Railroads of Japan
你是否希望在通勤途中摇头晃脑地欣赏音乐,而不是经常让脑袋撞到方向盘上?你所设计的所有郊区称得上“摇滚之乡”吗?《城市:天际线》中有你期待的曲子!新增摇滚电台一举打破你通勤途中的寂寞,为你献上各种摇滚乐,从油渍摇滚和经典摇滚到肮脏摇滚和金属摇滚。摇滚电台是打造底特律摇滚之都的最佳声源 - 只是不要把酒店客房搞得太乱!
1. Blazing Pearls - It Wasn't Built To Last
2. Blazing Pearls - Stardog
3. California Saints - Diamonds And Stones
4. California Saints - The Rose on Sunset
5. Catskills - Without You
6. Catskills - You And I
7. Chromosphere - Clusters
8. Chromosphere - The Paradox Lucidity
9. Dreams of Utopia - Taste of Love
10. Dreams of Utopia - Your Temple
11. Freewheelin' - 7 Years to Life
12. Green River - Could Have Been Me
13. Green River - Road to Ruin
14. Green River - Three Days of Peace
15. NESTOR - Don't Leave Me Dry
16. NESTOR - Lose Myself
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需要 4 GB 可用空间
Windows® 10 Home 64 Bit
Intel® Core™ I7 930 | AMD® FX 6350
Nvidia® GeForce™ GTS 450 (1 GB) | AMD® R7 250 (2 GB) | Intel Iris Xe G7 (Tiger Lake)
需要 4 GB 可用空间
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