Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: High-Tech Buildings
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Industrial Evolution
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Brooklyn & Queens
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Modern Japan
Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Railroads of Japan
推出《爵士春秋》(All That Jazz)后,Paradox 在《城市:天际线》中引入了一种全新的热门歌曲。在互联网上红极一时的 Jazz Boatman 以 DJ 身份回归,因此玩家可以挖个痛快,比修路时使用的风镐还来劲。新开张的爵士春秋电台将播放 16 首新歌,囊括几种柔和的风格:经典、拉丁、放克和弛放爵士。
1. Houston River Jazz Collective -《第 36 街》(36th Street)2. Houston River Jazz Collective -《哈莱特的小湾》(Hallet’s Cove)
3. Houston River Jazz Collective -《北大街热歌》(Northern Boulevard Jam)
4. Houston River Jazz Collective -《阿斯托里亚路》(The Astoria Way)
5. Jazz In-Clave -《Bauza Chico》
6. Jazz In-Clave -《Habanera Big Four》
7. Jazz In-Clave -《Ponchando Fashion》
8. Jazz In-Clave -《Tresillo Hideaway》
9. Phrase It Differently -《联合主义神棍》(Fusionistic Mystic)
10. Phrase It Differently -《7 点钟》(7 O’Clock)
11. Phrase It Differently -《裂缝》(Cracks)
12. Phrase It Differently -《爱情值班》(Loveshift)
13. The Sierra Lewis Project -《Fiesta Siesta》
14. The Sierra Lewis Project -《公园散步》(A Walk In The Park)
15. The Sierra Lewis Project -《征服者》(The Conquistador)
16. The Sierra Lewis Project -《Praia Verdi》
Windows® 10 Home 64 bit
Intel® Core™ I7 2700K | AMD® Ryzen 7 2700X
Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 580 (1.5 GB) | AMD® Radeon™ RX 560 (4 GB)
需要 4 GB 可用空间
Windows® 10 Home 64 Bit
Intel® Core™ I7 930 | AMD® FX 6350
Nvidia® GeForce™ GTS 450 (1 GB) | AMD® R7 250 (2 GB) | Intel Iris Xe G7 (Tiger Lake)
需要 4 GB 可用空间
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